Early Signs and Stages of HIV

Not a single day passes by for people with HIV without the thoughts of being infected by the virus disturbing their composed minds. It is undeniable that all stages of AIDS would be so agonizing as to create a mindset within the patients to end their life. This happens very often among the people affected by the disease. Living with the virus and evading the chances of being infected severely is a challenge for everyone with HIV faces. Early detection of the virus will help the infected people in being more cautious with their actions and medicinal intake.

Transmission could take place through body fluids, which usually gets to the bad stage with unprotected sex, sharing the same glasses, and getting a tattoo with unsterilized equipment. Blood transmission is rare in the case of HIV, but it also has happened in the past. Prompt treatment can be ensured when the disease is detected at an earlier stage, and it can help in controlling the virus and preventing its progress into the third stage, which is most commonly known as AIDS. The virus would become undetectable when using antiretroviral drugs as early treatment, thereby reducing the chances of transmission.


Early Symptoms of HIV

If you know what the symptoms of flu are, you could easily understand these early symptoms of HIV as well since both are quite similar. These early symptoms may include headache, thrush, sore throat, fever, fatigue, rash, swollen lymph nodes, ulcers in the mouth, diarrhea, night sweats, and joint and muscle pain. According to health experts, early symptoms could arise in two weeks of exposure or even go up to two months after transmission. Common illnesses and health conditions would also include these symptoms, thereby making many people ignore them. Also, in some people, these early symptoms wouldn’t arrive after they have contracted HIV.

Testing options are the only way to make sure if you are positive or negative; so, consider consulting a healthcare provider regarding the issue. The lack of symptoms could go on for as long as ten years but would be affecting your immunity gradually. HIV can be managed if treated properly; if left untreated, stage 3 can set in. So, it is important that you go for the test as soon as you feel like something is troubling you.


Stages of HIV

Symptoms of HIV can vary according to the phase, and the first stage is called primary or acute HIV infection or acute retroviral syndrome. Most of the signs at this stage would be similar to that of the symptoms of flu or even a respiratory or gastrointestinal infection. In the next stage, the virus would become less active even when it remains in the body. This is called the latency stage, and it could continue for 10 years with the slow progress of infection. The third and final stage is what we call AIDS, and the immune system will get severely damaged by then. Symptoms such as fever, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting start becoming more apparent as this stage begins.