What You Need to Know About the New Coronavirus and HIV
As the world is undergoing an unprecedented period of a pandemic, millions of people have been infected by the virus and others serving a period of lockdown at home. Nomenclature of the virus has the number 19 indicating the year it came into existence, with the new decade being filled with despondency. With the virus continuing to wreak havoc all across the globe, people with other diseases already having affected their health will find it hardest to survive through these times. Desperate moments have been following a domino effect the past few months, taking the lives of millions.
HIV patients are struggling are to evade all the possible situations from which they can get affected by the new virus. As HIV eats up the immune cells in a human body, Coronavirus could easily sprawl over their insides. Researchers have been following up on every lead to learning more about the virus, its spread, and mortality rate. Older people with weaker bodies succumb to the virus’ effect faster than others. Living with HIV is quite a challenge; being extra cautious about the ubiquitous pandemic is an additional concern for both the patients and the healthcare providers. Lower CD4 counts could pose a bigger risk to the lives of patients. But a few precautions can keep them protected from the virus to a great extent.
Basic of the Pandemic
By the end of May, the active cases in the US have risen to more than 1.5 million, and the death toll stands at about 1,30,000. The mortality rate of Coronavirus is said to be substantially higher in the US and China than the typical seasonal flu. Mild symptoms in the majority of the infected people is the biggest challenge faced by the health department in combating the pandemic. Not everyone who contracts the virus is under risk; people with a history of other diseases are the ones who are likely to be affected severely. Risk is greater in people above 80 years of age and the ones with issues such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer.
People with HIV
When people have compromised immunity, the chances of developing a COVID-19 illness are higher. The low CD4 T-cell count indicates advanced suppression of immunity; people with such conditions could contract the disease faster. More than half of the HIV population are over 50 years of age as well, thereby increasing the risk of illnesses developing within their bodies. They are also likely to have developed cardiovascular disease or neutropenia due to the constant intake of medications. The same precautions apply to HIV patients as well, only with a tighter approach.
- Avoid contact with other people during the pandemic.
- Self-isolation at homes or medical facilities of the people with HIV can help them stay away from the virus.
- Wash hands with soap and water.
- Sanitizer with alcohol content has to be used to clean your hands every hour.
- Wear a mask when you are more likely to contract the virus.